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Ogen Osiegbu


Anatomy of a Qrackhead (2023)

Acrylic on Canvas

122cm x 122 cm


Oriwe (2023)

Acrylic & Oil Pastel on Canvas

122cm x 122cm


Orogodo Spirits (2023)

Acrylic, spray Paint Oil Pastel & Graffiti Mop Maker on Canvas

122cm x 122cm


Imole Lives Forever (2023)

Graffiti Mop Maker, Permanent Marker, Oil Pastel on Canvas

122cm x 60cm


Orogodo Masks (2023)

Acrylic & Acrylic Makers on Canvas

121.92cm x 92.2cm


Augustine's Arrangement (2023)

Graffiti Mop Maker on Canvas

122cm x 60cm


Long Live Ihama (2023)

Acrylic on Canvas

121cm x 91cm


Homage to Emegha (2023)

Acrylic & Oil Pastel, Spray Paint & Graffiti Mob Marker on Canvas

121.92cm x 91cm


Myriad Of Souls (2023)

Acrylic, Graffiti Ink & Oil Pastel On Canvas

122cm x 122 cm


Mama Papa Pikin (2024)

Acrylic, Graffiti Ink & Oil Pastel On Canvas

122cm x 122 cm


Ogen Osiegbu

Ogen Osiegbu is a self-taught artist from Delta State, Nigeria, but lives in the city of Lagos. His art is inspired by the Orogodo River, which is a source of livelihood to the people of Owa Kingdom, (Ogen’s ancestry home), in Delta State.

In his own words Ogen says … I call my art Orogodo Caricature as a homage to the only river (Orogodo river) and source of livelihood to my people in my village of Owa Kingdom, Delta State” ……. As for the Caricature, I believe if born into an earlier time, I would be a Benin bronze mask maker…. I infuse playful cartoons which I watched as a child growing up, to come up with my iteration of masks called the Orogodo Masks which is prevalent in my art”.

Ogen’s love for the Benin masks comes from his ancestral link to the Benin tribe through his grandmother who is partly from Edo State, the home of the Benin people.


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